About ‘taspo’ Useful tips
Here are some of the questions frequently asked about ‘taspo’, and their answers.
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About age verification

A. The age verification system was implemented on all cigarette vending machines all over Japan as part of an effort to strengthen and enhance conventional measures against underage smoking.
Preventing the under aged from purchasing cigarettes from vending machines is a socially important initiative and an important aspect in fulfilling the social responsibility of the tobacco industry. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter.
A. They are vending machines from which cigarettes are purchased using 'taspo' cards issued only to those aged 20 or over.
A. Age verification is carried out through touching a 'taspo' card to the card reader of an IC card compatible age verification cigarette vending machine.
Through reading the information recorded on the 'taspo' card, the age of the purchaser is confirmed and cigarettes can be purchased.
A. Cigarettes can no longer be purchased without a 'taspo' card.
'taspo' cards are issued only to adults aged 20 or over upon application. 'taspo' card holders can purchase cigarettes at any IC card compatible age verification cigarette vending machines.
A. Networking of the vending machines is intended to ensure that the information of 'taspo' cards that are no longer in use due to theft or loss is updated periodically and efficiently. By doing this, we aim to prevent misuse of the cards by third parties and ensure the proper operation and management of age verification.
A. A major example of this kind of initiative is the age verification cigarette vending machine system using touch IC cards ('Geldkarte' electronic money bank cards) introduced in Germany.
In Germany, following the revision of the youth protection law, children under the statutory age (16 years) were prohibited from purchasing cigarettes from vending machines from January 2006, and 'Geldkarte' cards were introduced to enable age verification.

About 'taspo' card

A. The main functions of the 'taspo' card are as follows:
'taspo' cards contain recorded information certifying the holder to be an adult aged 20 or over. Through touching 'taspo' to the card reader of IC card age verification cigarette vending machines, your age is verified and cigarettes can be purchased.
A. 'taspo' cards can only be used to purchase cigarettes from IC card compatible cigarette vending machines.
However, when purchasing cigarettes over the counter, you may be asked to present your 'taspo' card to verify your age.
A. For new applications, 'taspo' cards are issued free of charge and there is annual membership fee.
The customer is asked to bear the cost of identification documents and photographs that need to be attached to the application form (stamp required).
However, an administration fee is charged at 1,000 yen for the reissue of a 'taspo' card in the case where it is lost or stolen.
A. For over the counter purchases, there is no need to present a 'taspo' card since the retailers are required to verify the ages of their purchasers in the conventional manner. However, you may be asked to present a 'taspo' card at certain retailers at their discretion to verify your age.
A. 'taspo' cards can only be used for buying cigarettes from IC card age verification cigarette vending machines.
A. Only one 'taspo' card is issued per person.
A. The photograph on the card clearly shows who the cards belongs to and are needed to prevent the use of lost or lent cards.

About the application form

A. The following information is required on the application form:
- Date of application
- Name (Chinese characters and kana)
- 'taspo' mailing address (Chinese characters/Katakana *Including Postal Code)
- Telephone number (contact number)
- Date of birth
- Age
- Personal seal or signature
A. When making a new application, the application form, a copy of an identification document, and a photograph must be submitted
1. The completed application form (original)
2. A copy of an identification document (must be within the valid period)
Driver's license
Health insurance card
Basic resident register card (with photograph)
Pension book
Welfare certificate (physical disability certificate, learning disability certificate, mental disability certificate)
Resident Card / Special Permanent Resident Certificate(Alien Registration Certificate)
Certificate of residence (copy)
* Photocopy must be made on the side of the document, which contains name, date of birth, and present address of the applicant.
* If the address listed on your personal identification document is different from your actual place of residence, please provide a receipt or copy of a receipt for payment of public utility charges that has been issued within the last three months as proof of your address. (The full name, same as that listed on the personal identification document, must be printed on the receipt and the address (including the shi, ku, machi or mura) must also be printed on the receipt in Chinese characters).
3. Photograph (45 mm (L) x 35 mm (W))
(Note) Application documents submitted are not returnable regardless of the result of your application.
A. If you have none of the seven types of identification documents indicated above, you will need to provide a copy of a document that satisfies both of the following two conditions:
(1)A document certified either by government body, ministry or local government.
(2)A document that has the applicant's name (must be written in Chinese characters), date of birth and present address (home address).

If the above conditions are met, you can still submit your application (photocopy of the identification document must include the above listed information. If the information is spread across several pages, all relevant pages must be photocopied)
* Should you have any questions, please call the 'taspo' number.
* Please note that passports are not accepted as an identification document as your name is printed using the alphabet.

1. If the revision to the original of the identification document is already applied for:
- Please send a copy of the part of the document stating the address revision.
2. If the revision to the original of the identification document is not applied for:
- Please send a copy of a public utility statement issued within 3 months with the same name of the applicant and address (must be printed in Chinese characters) as the identification document.
A statement of a family member living at the same address is sufficient provided that the surname is the same.

[Accepted documents]
- Fixed telephone or mobile telephone statement (Telephone company)

(Electric company)
- Gas statement (Gas company)
- Water statement (Water company)
- NHK TV license fee receipt (NHK)

A. Requirements for the photograph are as follows:
- Color or black / white
- 45 mm (L) x 35 mm (W)
- No more than three months old (front face with no hat, sunglasses or mask)
- The border between the background and applicant should be clear enough to discern the outline.
- Brightness and contrast must be clear with no shadow (focused).
- Photographs must be clear of discoloration, scratches or dirt.

Please submit a photograph that satisfies the above standards.

About changing your personal details

A. A new 'taspo' card with your new name will be issued.
If your name changes (due to marriage, etc.), 'taspo' card will be reissued under the new name.
Please call the 'taspo' number for details on how to change your name.
You will be asked to submit an identification document supporting your new name together with your reissue application form for name change.
* Reissue of cards due to name changes is processed free of charge. You will be required to return your old card.
A. There is no need to submit another copy of an identification document.
Address can be changed over the phone. Please call the 'taspo' number.
You can also change your address online at "taspo.jp" and log in to the member's page.
* User registration (free of charge) is required in order to login. Please register from 'First time users'.
A. Please call the 'taspo' number as soon as possible after moving.
You can also change your address online at "taspo.jp" and log in to the member's page.
A. Address and telephone number can be updated by calling the 'taspo' number.
A. Address, telephone number, and e-mail address can be updated via the taspo official website at "taspo.jp".

About reissue of 'taspo'

A. 1. If you need to have your card reissued for the following reasons, please call the 'taspo' number.
- Lost or stolen
- Card failure
- Application for reissue within one year of cancellation
2. If you need to have your card reissued for name change, please call the 'taspo' number for an application form. You will be asked to submit a copy of an identification document supporting your new name.
A. It depends on the reason for the reissue.
1. An administration fee of 1,000 yen will be payable for the following cases:
- A reissue for lost or stolen cards
- A reissue for damaged cards
- Application for a reissue within one year of cancellation
2. A free reissue for the following cases:
- Reissue for change of name
- Reissue for card failure

* Please note that you will be required to return your old card in the above cases.
A. You will be required to pay the reissue fee by a payment slip.
Please contact the 'taspo' number when making the reissue application.
A. A reissue application form is only required if your name has changed.
In such cases, you will be required to fill in the date of application, your new name, and your personal seal or signature on the name change reissue application form.
Reissue for any reasons other than a name change can be processed by calling the 'taspo' number.
A. Reissue due to name change will take around three weeks (same as new applications) since a review of written application forms is required. Reissue applications received over the telephone will take around 10 days to process.

About cards lost or stolen and card failures


Please call the 'taspo' number. Your current 'taspo' card will be cancelled to prevent misuse, and a new 'taspo' card will be reissued.

(To cancel your lost or stolen card and apply for a reissue).
* An administration fee (1,000 yen) will be payable for a reissue.

A. If you have already applied for reissue of a 'taspo' card, you can use a new 'taspo' card.
As the found 'taspo' card can not be used, cut and discard by yourself.
If you have not applied for reissue yet, please use the card you found.
A. Have your damaged card ready and call the 'taspo' number.
A new 'taspo' card will be reissued to you.

* A new card will be issued free of charge in the case of a natural failure (a reissue charge will be payable if damaged etc).

About cancellation

A. Please call the 'taspo' number.
Cancellations can be processed over the phone.
A. Providing that the notifications are made by the cardholders themselves, no documents are required.
Notification of cancellation can be given over the phone.
A. The cancellation process is free of charge.
A. Information will be deleted at your request. However, since it is our policy to retain customer information for one year following cancellation of registration, your information will be deleted after a year has elapsed.

About personal information

A. The Japan Tobacconist Federation, the operator of the 'taspo' system, has taken all necessary precautions to ensure that your personal information is protected according to the Personal Information Protection Law and related guidelines. In addition to strictly complying with the said legislation, we strive to protect and manage personal information upon compiling articles of agreement that conform to the related guidelines.
We are also prepared to accept audits by third parties regarding our conditions of management of personal information.
A. The face of the 'taspo' card carries your photograph, your name written in Katakana, and your ID number, etc. In addition, only the IC identification number and age verification information are recorded in the IC chip embedded in the card. Absolutely no information attributable to you is included in your IC chip.
Accordingly, no personal data beyond the information printed on the face of the card can be obtained from the 'taspo' card.
A. A temporary record is maintained every time 'taspo' is used in order to be able to check for illegal use in the case of loss or theft. These records are deleted in order as the fixed storage interval is reached.
A. In compliance with the Personal Information Protection Law, the 'taspo' system does not, in general, provide any personal information to any third parties
However, as authorized by the Personal Information Protection Law, Criminal Procedure Code, and similar laws, personal information related to the 'taspo' card will be provided to the corresponding authority if an official inquiry is received from judicial or governmental authorities.


A. We do not accept requests for replacing photographs. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
A. It takes around three weeks from application (date of posting) to delivery of the card.
If you do not receive your card or a request for another application well past three weeks, please call the 'taspo' number.
On confirming your identity, we will investigate the status of your application.

Age verification cigarette vending machines using IC cards Outline of ‘taspo’ Aims of taspo Troubleshooting  ‘taspo’ can be this convenient!